

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Bridges are a common restorative option for missing teeth.  The doctors at Chapel Street Dental restore patient’s smiles by using healthy teeth on either side of a missing tooth to anchor a permanent replacement in its place.  This is accomplished by using caps on the teeth on either side.  A bridge restores function to the mouth and blends naturally into a patient’s smile.

A permanent bridge can usually be completed in two appointments.  First, the teeth on either side of the gap may be contoured in order to make sure the bridge will fit perfectly.  Then impressions of the mouth are taken and sent to a dental laboratory where the custom product is made.  We can provide a temporary bridge to wear while the permanent restoration is being fabricated. On a second visit, the bridge will be cemented into place.  Bridges can be replaced if needed, but with proper care bridges can last a lifetime.

To learn more about bridges and all the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Chapel Street Dental in New Haven, CT, call 203-772-1000.

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